Employment Opportunities
Welcome to Education and Training Connection!
We appreciate your interest in pursuing employment with our growing organization. ETC’s Human Resources Department strives to recruit and maintain qualified, professional staff, to implement and oversee its ever-changing programs. Flexibility is a very important requirement, as schedules and assignments can change based on funding. In return, ETC is a flexible employer that understands the needs of its employees and will try to make accommodations based on the situation, if at all possible.
ETC’s HR Department is always researching, recommending, and offering quality benefit programs for all employees based on eligibility requirements. Employees are provided with up-to-date information regarding all benefits via the Employee Access Center.
It is the policy of Education and Training Connection that the organization will not discriminate against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, age, marital status, political belief, or handicap or disability. No person shall be excluded from any participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination during any program, activity, or employment.
ETC is an equal-opportunity employer.
Current Job Opportunities
Let ETC assist you with all of your educational needs.
Contact HR for more information (989) 631-5202 x219